This is a donation-based community offering.
Please consider donating via venmo @alexandra-moga or joining my

Commit to 20 minutes every morning

Reveal a new layer of presence & self-mastery


DAY ONE - Sunday, March 10th - 9am EST / 8am CST / 6am PST
Opening day. Experience our new practice and set your intention for this 40-day journey!

DAY FORTY - Thursday, April 18th - 9am EST / 8am CST / 6am PST
Closing practice! You did it! Share reflections, struggles and gratitudes. And maybe… commit to more :)


We develop habits at a very young age. Some of them serve us. Some of them do not.

When you commit to a daily spiritual discipline, you develop a life-promoting habit that serves your highest destiny, the purpose your soul is longing to fulfill, no matter your age or life stage.

With a 40 day cycle, your subconscious is provoked to release any thoughts and emotional patterns that hinder you.

In these 40 days, you can be sure that whatever truth your heart holds will be magnified in the world around you, thus unfolding a sacred relationship with life.


Sign up for accountability, community support, and 11 minutes of powerful breath meditation a day to improve the caliber of your capacity to reach excellence in life. Conquer normal depression and discour­agement, build tremendous strength into your nervous system.

During this six-week container, we will meet live on zoom every morning for 20 minutes
at 9am EST // 8am CST

The practice is structured as follows:

  • Tune In (Ong Namo Gurudev Namo)

  • Gentle Spinal Warm Up

  • Prime the Lungs with Breath of Fire

  • 11 Minute Breath-Based Meditation

  • Close out

Please consider donating via venmo @alexandra-moga or joining my Patreon

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
— Aristotle